Sunday, June 29, 2008


I've been working this week on the SWAT team material for our next sermon series..."Old School Good Guys". We'll be spending the next month looking at some Old Testament heros. Caleb and I have been talking a lot about David and Goliath this's been a lot of fun.
One of the things I love about the Bible is it doesn't gloss over the failures and weaknesses of it's heroic figures. You think about a guy like David....a man after God's own heart....but in times he left his heart adulter and murderer. Or what about Samson....incredible strength and gifting from God...but could not control himself. unlikely hero.
Here's the "aha"for me. First, I want to be my kid's hero....but that doesn't mean I have to be perfect...or to try to hide my weaknesses from them. Just like I am learning from the great steps of faith....and the missteps of failures made by my Old Testament heros...I want my kids to learn from mine. (Note....that will require being honest and sharing those hard stories with them) Second, it encourages me to have more grace with people. God uses people who have done major boneheaded things! As a matter of fact, it seems they may be His favorite folks to use. Maybe it's because our big failures create the humility and transparency required for Him to receive all the glory.
So, don't count yourself out of being a hero of the faith yet!

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