Monday, June 2, 2008

Dunkin' doo-dah

(Note: When Caleb was younger, our nickname for him was Doo-dah. His cousin still calls him that)

I'm so excited about this Sunday afternoon. It's special in that it is the first Baptism for COC...our church plant, but even more special that I will get to baptize my own son. How cool is that? As a matter of fact...we'll be baptising 9 people on Sunday. That really makes all of the loading/unloading trailers, and setting up an elementary cafeteria worth it.
I'm very grateful this week for a long list of people who gave of their time, talents, and treasures to make sure my son....and others like him... had a chance to hear and respond to the Gospel.
  • Pastor Brad and Sarah - for having vision for a church plant on 380 and the faith to go for it
  • Pastor Dane and Mandy - for being the best Children's pastors ever! (and my favorites!)
  • Jerry and Ronda Brawner - for all the work you put into getting us set up every week so that there are no distractions to hearing the word of God preached
  • Randy and Shannon Rich - for putting in hours on making our media sharp and for helping out with the Children's ministry. (and noticing if I forget to blog!)
  • Eric and Tasha Wrona - for loving our kids like their own (they think they're related to your kids anyway) and leading our SWAT teams. They way you get the kids to interact with truth is amazing
  • Brad and Lauren Zwaska - for leading the Providence SWAT and faithfully proclaiming the truth.
  • The people of COC who love our kids and set an example of service and what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

We're blessed....and grateful to be doing life with you guys!

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