Monday, July 7, 2008

Brand New Dawson

I had a cool experience at SWAT last night. I went and just watched the kidos at the Providence SWAT so that their parents could focus in and dig deeper into the life of David. I hope it was good for them. To be honest, I didn't have any life changing experiences or cool stories from watching the kids. Titus and Julia said some pretty funny stuff...but I didn't really get any revelation from them. the end of the evening Robin Booker asked if I had heard about Dawson. I hadn't....and if you haven't heard, it's great! Dawson came in while Robin was watching TV and asked "So if I ask Jesus into my heart, he will forgive everything I've ever done wrong or ever will do wrong....forever?" That's a pretty big a lot of us adults are still trying to grasp. Once he got his questions answered, he said "I need to ask Jesus into my heart right now"...and his mom had the privelage of leading him to Jesus. So....if you notice something different about Dawson this's that he's a brand new creation in Christ....the old has gone, the new has come. Cool stuff! Another great reason to be involved in a SWAT get to hear and see what God is doing in other folk's lives ....kinda like a front row seat!

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