Sunday, August 17, 2008


So, if you've followed this blog much....there have obviously been a lot of changes in my life recently. No need to go into details; just in a new phase of walking with Jesus and discovering daily His will for my life. I've sensed so much His grace over the past few weeks....manifested through other believers. Thank you for loving us and being an extension of the Father's heart towards us.
I've been fascinated this week with how I can be a conduit of God's grace. So much has been poured out on me....(reference the flow through post a couple of weeks ago)....that I want to make sure I am dispensing God's grace to others. It's really not that difficult, but does involve a commitment of time and some effort. Stuart was a real dispenser of God's grace to me this week when he called out of the blue to let me know he was praying for me and wanted to have dinner with my family. Randy was when he stopped by my office just to tell me he missed me and I needed to play tennis ...mostly so we could see each other every week. (Randy, I re-gripped both tennis rackets excuses now). Jerry was when he stopped to make sure I was ok when I was on the shoulder of HWY 380. (I was....just writing down info off of a realtor stuff).
My friend, Susan is an inspiration to me as a grace conduit. Her ministry...Hearts for Homes....helps provided needed repairs to the homes of elderly people living on fixed incomes. Talk about a tangible display of the love of God! So, here's the opportunity....join me on Sept 20th on a Hearts for Homes project. There is a need for 4-5 skilled workers and 4-5 unskilled workers. (I am filling one of the latter spots). Email Susan to let her know you're in...and copy me so I can look forward to seeing you there....and ragging you if you don't show.

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