Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I've been thinking about a post my father-in-law wrote for over a week now. You really need to read the post to get the context. The whole thing is good...but this one statement has stuck with me..."Let’s not confuse the term friends and fellowship together. Fellowship is a church word that describes an activity. Friendship costs something … time, effort and love."
We had a lot of fun having dinner with some new friends last night...enjoyed having coffee with a friend over the last year today and am looking forward to playing tennis with a group of friends on Thursday. Man, I'm blessed. And in each of those encounters I have/am expecting to experience a little more of the Father's love. In all you busyness this week, don't forget to connect with people...they need your friendship, and you need theirs. You never know when a hug, a call, or an email may be just the touch someone needs to remember they have a Heavenly Father that loves them!

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