Monday, May 12, 2008

Do you swear to listen to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

So, I've decided to pursue peace. Here's a snapshot of my life right now: new job that I am learning with limited training and feeling somewhat inadequate for, new baby on the way that I don't know how I'll afford, house on the market that we just found out is 200 square feet smaller that we bought it at, Mer overwhelmed with her workload in the embroidery business right now, and I'm having trouble finding time to get everything done. (Note...I'm so grateful and excited to have my new job and that we're having a's just all overwhelming right now)
I think the biggest enemy of peace for me is fear. Fear that I won't measure up, fear that we won't have enough money, fear that I'll disappoint those I love and that are counting on me. I'm realizing today how those fears get a hold of me. One hint....the devil is called the Father of Lies for a reason.
So, how will I pursue peace? "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things. ....And the God of peace will be with you." (Phil 4) I gotta change who I'm listening to! I'll take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ. From this day forward, I swear to listen to and think about the know the rest.

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